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Want Email Action? Try These Tips
How do you encourage reaction to a business email?
Use these proven call-to-action principles for your professional emails:
1. State the email’s purpose (what you want) in the first or second paragraph. This will allow the reader to process the email more efficiently and will likely give you a faster response.
2. Be concise. Sticking to one subject per email helps ensure a focused call to action and a quicker answer.
3. Combine action with urgency. This strategy may help to initiate a response, but use it within reason as flagging everything “ASAP” can do the exact opposite: demotivate.
4. Keep your paragraphs short. Your request (call to action) will stand out better. Using bold, underlining and colour can also help highlight your request, as long as your corporate culture accepts it (use caution with customers).
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Because of working with you and getting your help, I had a fantastic summer – probably the best months of my career.”
– Chief Operations Office, Avmax
The 5 Email Folder System: A Different Way to Work
Karen, Founder