What You Really Want To Know Is…
How are you doing?
Feedback, let’s us know what we’re doing well and what needs improvement.
What You Really Want To Know Is…How are you doing?
Feedback, let’s us know what we’re doing well and what needs improvement.
Feedback in Five:
– takes five minutes
– is a scale of 1 to 5
– asks “WHY”
– can be done by yourself, your client, peer or supervisor.
For instance, after a sales call, simply ask yourself and/or the customer:
“On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 is the best), how was this experience?”
After a number is said, ask “Why?”
to learn what’s good and what can be better.
Frequent feedback supports ongoing improvement; that’s why we ask at the end of every coaching session and you see the number and comment (on the right).
Use Feedback in Five
Save Time, Live Your Passion!
Tiffany, Director of Housekeeping, Fairmont Claremont Club & Spa
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